Monday, September 15, 2008

Fuck Posture...

Bad Posture
Lisa Rae Winant
12 x 14 / oil on panel
Used by permission of the Artist
Dammit! What did I do? I had everything perfect. My nails, hair, and make up were perfect. How could I not be accepted? Was it my smile? My outfit? No way, I looked soo hot. Hell, I looked a hundred times better than those other girls. So what'd they do that I didn't? Can't be much, we hardly did anything. We just sat around for a bit, and stood up when they told us to.

Hmmm, now that i think about it, thats all we did. We must have stood there for a half hour straight before they told us to get up. I felt like I was in the military or something. What the hell was that about? I'm pretty sure i'm gonna get a corn from that. And what was up with the grading? I got a perfect on everything except for this posture shit. How can a girl be a model when she gets judged on crap like posture? And what's posture anyways? I think this whole thing is bullshit. You know what? Fuck posture.


biscotti dana said...

Fun! I was wondering if she'd even realize why she didn't get the job at the end. Funny that she knows why, but she doesn't get it.

Ashlee said...

I liked how you incorporated the painting in your story...very interesting! Good story, it made me laugh! :)

Allison Cote said...

You're not afraid to share your true feelings, Stafford. :-D I really liked your micro-fiction because you cut the fluff and aren't afraid to say what others are thinking. It sounds like the girl is actually venting to me. Nice work!