Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Do I Want?

I wanted to be a soldier. I watched all kinds of war movies as a child. I played every war related video game I could, read books on military vehicles, and dream of becoming a great general.

When I turned eighteen, i enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. I left for basic training in August 2005. The day I left happened to be the same day that hurricane Katrina started terrorizing the southern gulf. I spent most of my enlistment training and repairing the damaged southern communities and I enjoyed serving my country. After about a year though, I was able to leave the Air Force. My plan was to go to college and then become an officer.

Now, I'm twenty one years old and things are still the same. I plan to go back to the military, but this time I'm not sure if I'll be an officer. I need a BS degree in order to become one, but with the way our economy is these days I'm not sure I can afford to stay in school. If I drop out, then I'll leave for the military right away. I have a job right now, but it's no where close to what I need to make to survive. So in the end, I may return after this semester, which isn't what I wanted. I like my school and everyone in it. My classmates taught me more about living than anyone else. Everyone is so different, and we come from different lifestyles.

There are many other reasons I choose military service as a way of life, but I'm not ready to write about them.


Lindsey said...

Wow. That must have been such a heartbreaking yet rewarding experience helping hurricane victims. It must be such hard decision weighing out school and military. You should be so proud of yourself whichever path you choose.
Thank you for serving.

Ashlee said...


That's awesome! I commend anyone who goes into the army. To me, it's a scary thing and for someone to actually go out and do it, is amazing! I think too that it's awesome you helped out during the Katrina disaster!! :)

Stacy said...

I'm sorry to hear that you might not be able to finish school. A lot of people are in the same boat. Make sure you look at all your options before you do leave because there is money out there for you, you just have to find it. Talk with your counselor and with financial aid to help you. I do want to thank you for serving our country and at such a young age. You risked your life for people you don't even know and that right there shows what a kind and considerate soul you have. You will go far in life and if you do go back into the service I will pray for you everyday!